How to Create Roles and Invite Users

How to create roles and invite users in the Webscale Control Panel

After completing the Webscale onboarding process, you will have your own Webscale account. Access to this account is controlled via roles. By default, your new account includes a few important roles to help you get started: Editor and Reader. In general, editors will have access to view, create, modify and destroy resources in the account while readers will only be able to view those resources. A user’s access in the account is determined by the roles to which they have accepted invitations. This guide details how to create your own custom roles and how to invite users to them.

Roles can be used in two separate use cases:

  • Webscale Secure Access: an optional web control action used to protect parts of your applications from the general internet.
  • Webscale API role-based access: a user’s access to the Webscale API is determined by the access described by the roles to which they have accepted invitations.

Create a role

Roles Menu
1. Login to the Webscale Control Panel and click the three bars in the upper left.
Select Roles from the menu.
Roles List
2. Here you view existing roles on the Roles page in the Control Panel.
3. For Webscale API role-based access roles, clicking APIs lists the Webscale API access this role provides.
Invited users
4. Clicking Users lists the users that have been invited to assume the role and whether they have accepted, declined or vacated that invitation.
New Role Creation
5. Click Role in the lower left part of the page to create a new role. In the wizard that appears, you’ll be walked through the steps to configure the role.
6. Roles are fully customizable. It is recommended you set an informative name and description to ease the management of multiple roles.
7. Webscale API roles roles can be configured to apply their access to the account in which the role is created or in the sub-accounts of that account, excluding the account itself.
8. You have control over prerequisites a user must satisfy in order to assume a role to which they have accepted an invitation. These prerequisites are satisfied when the user authenticates with Webscale and include whether multi-factor authentication is required and how often they are required to re-authenticate.
APIs List
9. Webscale API roles roles are configured with the Webscale API access they permit and deny. The wizard allows you to target entire collections of resources (e.g. /accounts) or collections of sub-resources (e.g. /accounts/{id}/invitations).
New Role Creation showing invite box
10. Lastly, invite users to the role. Confirm the changes you’ve made, then click Save to save the changes. This action creates the role, and sends invitations to any users invited to the role.

Invite a user to an existing role

Roles Menu
1. Login to the Webscale control panel and click the three bars in the upper left.
Select Roles from the menu.
Invited users
2. On this page you see existing roles. To invite a user to the role, click the ‘Users’ button for the role, then click the pencil in the upper right of the expanded panel.
New Role Creation showing invite box
3. Enter the user’s email address, and click the + button. A comma-separated list of email addresses can be inputted at a single time. This will send invitations to all the added email addresses.
New Role Invitation Email
4. The user receives an email from Webscale with a link to the User Profile, where they can accept the role.
User Profile
5. In the User Profile the user can manage their password and their multi-factor authentication settings. The user will also see some information about their user account, such as:
  • Any existing roles and groups to which the user belongs.
  • The user’s name.
  • The user’s email address.
  • Webscale API access keys.

Further reading

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Last modified November 10, 2020