Pageview Logs Attributes

Detailed information about Pageview logs attributes

The Traffic Viewer page of the Webscale Control Panel enables you to view Pageview logs information for an application within a specified time period. For more information on accessing Traffic Viewer, see Access Traffic Viewer.

The following table provides Pageview logs attribute information. You can view the name, display name, alias, and a description for each attribute.

Pageview logs attributes

Name Display Name Alias Description
arrival Arrival arrival ISO 8601-formatted date when the request arrived at the Webscale proxy
completed Completed completed ISO 8601-formatted date when processing the request was completed
country Country country Two-letter ISO 3166-2 country code for the origin of the request
dom_content_loaded DOM content loaded dom_content_loaded Interval between when navigation started and the page loaded the DOM
dom_interactive DOM interactive dom_interactive Interval between when navigation started and the page was ready for user interaction
elapsed Elapsed elapsed Interval between when the proxy received the request and sent out the complete response
first_contentful_paint First contentful paint first_contentful_paint Interval between when navigation started and the first element on the page rendered
labels Labels labels List of user-defined labels used to track traffic with the Add Labels web control action
largest_contentful_paint Largest contentful paint largest_contentful_paint Interval between when navigation started and the largest element on the page rendered
load_id Load ID load_id Unique ID that identified a user-initiated pageload. All resource requests shared the ID to render the page.
peer_address Peer address peer_address IP address of the immediate peer connecting to the proxy. If the peer is a trusted proxy, the remote IP address of the user agent that made the request is used.
ready_state_interactive Ready state interactive ready_state_interactive Time taken for the loading state of the browser to become interactive. It is interactive when the browser document has finished loading and has been parsed but sub-resources such as scripts, images, stylesheets and frames are still loading.
request_address Request address request_address Remote IP address of the user agent that made the request
request_host Request host host
Contents of the Host request header
request_path Request path request_path Virtual path of the request (latter portion of the request URL separated by backslashes after the main website name)
request_port Request port request_port Port number that received the request
request_protocol Request protocol protocol
HTTP protocol version
request_query Request query request_query URL request query parameters (located in the latter sections of the request URL)
request_url Request URL request_url String with the host, scheme, path, and query parameters for the request
session_id Session ID session_id Unique number that a server assigned to a specific user for a session
threat Threat threat “y” if the IP address was a potential attacker. “n” otherwise.
time_to_first_byte TTFB ttfb
Interval between when the browser sent the request and received the first byte of the response
tls_cipher TLS cipher tls_cipher Encryption algorithms for the transport layer security
tls_version TLS version tls_version
Highest version of the transport layer security protocol that the client supported
useragent User agent useragent
Contents of the User-Agent request header
useragent_device User agent device useragent_device
Device type used to make the request (e.g., smartphone, desktop, etc.)
useragent_name Browser browser
Browser type used to make the request (e.g., Google Chrome, Safari, etc.)
useragent_os User agent OS useragent_os
Operating system type used to make the request (e.g., Android, Mac, etc.)

Further Reading

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Last modified October 20, 2021